mercredi, novembre 15, 2006

Outstanding Contributer (2)

The 24 May, we moved to 12F as our new office. (I still love the atmosphere of 10F, with more space more silence, and more fresh air while less personal crush and noise...) The 1 June, I changed to Contract Operation as my new home here.

The formal onboard date for me is 3 July. Before, I use different NT domain to login the computer here and once get an alert due to "too many logon records" :p. After one week, I get my own number to access system...SAP O&C. However I prefer the compass, it's more beautiful :p And I get another to run a series system which have deep connection with SAP. They are complicated and old sometimes I met system problems. What I do has an official name, that's internal facing. I support other teammates. I did hundreds of quotation draft as a backup for easing the stress of peak season. And that's why I got this award. Life here is busy and stable. It's too fantastic for me to think of the past life before April. The hell seems far a way. And perhaps that's why I lose motive to update my blog...:p

I recontact AIESECers here. This office has two great company and old friends gather. Betty, my direct boss in AIESEC when I was a VP in NTULC. Tanya ,who I knew for participating in AP conference in Ausie in 2001. Sandy, who is 2 years elder than me works in P&G for support SKII stuff. This is important for me cause most of my AIESEC best friends are rare in Taiwan now. Of course I would ask myself often: why I am still here?

HP and AIESEC there are several points in common. They are international and they both have many special usages just for the ppl belonged there. The atmosphere is creative and open. Here I reget my feeling in working in AIESEC for my university life. Here it seems that I meet the same open-minded persons and collogues that I once co-worked in AIESEC as well. The only different is, in HP, system and regulation are solid, we need approval for more progressing, while in AIESEC, we use friendship to conquer each difficuly.

I think I should pause here. There's one sales who speak "too loud" in the office....

dimanche, octobre 22, 2006

Outstanding Contributer (1)

"This is to appreciate your great contribution to our organization.
We hope you enjoy this award with your family members

Name Wallis Liu
Outstanding contribution:

Wallis supported customter facing admin: Rita, Lydia, Polly, and Yvonne to finish draft quotations, around 229 documents, during the peak season. Would like to use this award to thank her contribution."

The 4th Apil, 2006, the day when I entered the Hsin Yi Office of HP Taiwan, with delight and a little bit worry, I begin my career as a formal employee. Most familiar friends knew that my last working experiences gave me considerable negative impression. And that also resulted my distrust and disappointment toward getting along with people. And of course, this is the first time that I touched a real business, which means that isn't public sector, neither NPO or NGO. My first image for this business center is that I use excel frequently. The degree is too high for me to start thinking: Is word in my computer just for decoration? And comes after is the working stress. Of course people in HP never abuste me, instead, they really respect and take care of me. Everyone is so nice and ready to give you help if you needed no matter how heavy their workload is and how busy they are.

I work for system tranfsering for two months within an amazing team with great people. Why this team is amazing? Of course everyone is excellent in their duty. But what impresses me a lot is that everyone support different function. That means not so close interaction with each one for their work. We handle things independently and follow the related policy which may not be same in general. I spend 2.5 hours to learn two different systems, the newest and the oldest. And following one week, I leared how to support individually, yes "individually". I separate myself to adapt to everyone's expectation and make sure that I won't get confused. This is an interesting experience for me though I didn't do things too special. At least, I found myself capable for complicated system handling and strict quality of process. I am busy but I am happy. I work with press and I work with challenge.

After complete PBO, Compass, and Fusion, I got another chance to take full responsiblity in another team. I get my first chance for job rotation after two month. I think this kind of experience is unusual for other HP employees cause others get job rotation at leat with the experience of one and half a year. Different team, different culture, the what does not change is the business culture and the attitude toward new onboard member. People here are also kind....

to be continued

mardi, juillet 04, 2006

comme ca, wallis a commence sa nouvelle vie au HP Taiwan.

Le 27 juin, apres passant son anniversaire de 25 ans, elle est devenue d'accepter sa nouvelle identitee--un gateau de noel. Et plus, elle a savu b ien qu'elle est deja expiree. Mais rien ne change car Wallis a fait attention a sa nouvelle chanllenge de nouveaux missions.

La fin de cette mois, elle a fini son histoire douleuse pendent 9 mois. Pour elle, maintenant elle reprends le sentiment de vivre. Dans la societe amerique, elle a compris bien que la culture de travailler et la facon de commander, ceux tous importants pour le sentiment d'employee. Souvent Wallis doute si elle ne va bien qu'avec l'atmosphere tout feminine. Quand elle est fiere d'etre une feministe, est-ce que celui est un problem pour elle? Moi, je suis sure qu'elle est trop hereuse maintenant parce qu'elle croit bien que les femmes soient les plus mieux que les hommes sur leadership.

Quoi est nouveau dans sa vie recement? Elle s'enjoie de regarder chaque match de la Coupe de monde 2006. Elle aime bien le soccer depuis cela 2002. Cependent son equipe preferee--le Bresil-- est deja elimine par une autre preferee--la France, n'import de quoi, Wallis a trouve le coeur de sa vie apres le travail.

En fait, la vie de Wallis ne change pas beaucoup. Et elle est toujours paresseuse de completer son these de matrise. Si tu es un ami d'elle, demande-lui toujours pour combattre la paresse. Il faut le faire completement comme faire du sport pour sa sante!!

Au moins, Et alors, bon courage!!

vendredi, juin 23, 2006

Between the twilight of chaos

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,

it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,

it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,

it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,

it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,

we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,

we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

And that's the way it is now, I think!

jeudi, juin 01, 2006

Ciao TIER!!

Many friends of mine know that I use this blog space as a emotional trash can. I dropped too many negative messages here. But this time, this article, I want to share my feeling about how grateful that I am now!!

Ciao TIER, cependent j'ai travaille depuis 2.5 ans avec beaucoup amis et colleges, je pense que partir c'est mieux. Ciao TIER, c'est aussi mieux apres je t'ai laisse, alors je peux trouver que ce monde est tellement meillure. Ciao TIER, c'est encore mieux que je n'y aurais entre plus, et je pouvais me souvenir mes yeux avec hereux. Ciao TIER, maintenant je me prepare de partir. Ne t'inquiete pas!! Tout la douleur que tu m'as pose longtemps, je suis allee de l'oublier. Je sais bien si la nouvelle vie belle avec laquelle je reve de vivre, il faut t'abondonner. Ciao TIER, le moment arrive, j'ai besion de l'air plus libre et ouverte. Avec mon sac et joie, souhaite-moi un avenir beau. Dans la terre sous le soleil, je crois qu'il a des personnes qui m'attenendront!

Merci TIER, grace a toi, j'ai rencontre des amis tres sympas. Merci TIER, grace a toi, j'ai passe des incidents tres mauvais et alors je comprends que le monde n'est pas toujours joli. Merci TIER, grace a toi, j'ai gagne des opportunites d'experiencer le monde exterieur que toi. Et j'ai savu que la ciel est plus bleu que celle a toi. Merci TIER, grace a toi, j'ai commence d'entendre que la sante est tellement importante pour humaine. Merci TIER, je te remercie encore. Grace a toi, je peux comprends que la puissance est tellement terrible et le coeur de personne change immediatement. Personne ne vois le veritable visage facilment. Ne crois pas aucune personne facilement!

A la fin, avec beaucoup de merci et ciao, au moins, deux ans sont passes. La qualite de vie n'import de laide ou belle. Malgre les deux, moi, je vais continuer a vivre moi-meme bien!!

mercredi, mai 17, 2006

I believe that I want to cry

I'm passing an awful day. I just finished a terrible interaction with my superieur. I can't believe why people could chage face immediately. I just want to do myself and that's all. But am I wrong? Why those kind of boring and sucking stuffs always come bump into me? I start to doubt myself. Do I committe any error that I don't know?

I remembered that I applied one job that isn't called mermaid. But why I do more and more like a mermaid? Why she treats me more and more unpolitely? Is Power that makes people forget the right or the wrong? Is heirarchy that misleads people to have a preventive status? Is the small office that makes the mind narrower and narrower? And even is the low ceiling hiding the sky and that gives people a fatancy--I am the king of the world. I see the prejudice of Power and then I pain.

Human beings are intertwined with network, not status. Human beings are interdependent, not rely on obedience and discipline. I see so many ugly thins here and that makes me lose any confidence on sincerety. I find myself lost. I don't know how to interact. I question each action that people give me and try to analyse if they are rival. I feel sorry for myself because I distrust everyone more and more.

Equality is important. I passed nearly one year without euqlity. My health suffers and my mind does as well. A medium room with about 40 people, is it too complicated?

I believe that I want to cry. And if each tear could drop into word, I have believed that they can write a very painful story of mine. I pained long, and I find that my limit arrives just now. I can't afford any more and of course, can't suffer more. No more, please. If you're still human, no more. And Wallis, good day, good night, good luck.

lundi, avril 03, 2006










lundi, mars 20, 2006

Bureau Men /Settlement Women--Preface


Waldo的The Administrative State,"公共行政不只是一組極大化政府效能的工具,而是一整套關於政府的規範性理論”(Public administration...was not simply a set of techinical maxims for governmental efficiency but a full-blown normative theory of government)。Waldo視公共行政為政治哲學(think of public administration as a political philosophy),也從歷史的角度來思考(and to think of it historically),從此給了Cammilla不同的思考方向。


Waldo看到了位於公共行政的核心掙扎:行政效率及民主,仍持續成為行政學界討論的重點。Camilla基於Waldo的觀點--科學與商業仍視公共行政領域有所產出的重要力量(Sience and business as crucial forces shaping the emergence of the field),加入了"性別"的角度。




如同Waldo所說,在一個缺乏女性作為及其對於這個領域貢獻的任何紀錄之下,任何說法都能成立,且具有說服力。然而,不去考慮女性的活動,很難想像出另一種迥異的模式(如Waldo所說的"古老政體"),故本書的目的,就是質疑這種"視為當然"的氛圍,這種氛圍充斥整個公共行政領域,並阻擋其預見了不同之可能。(As Waldo showed, in the absence of any knowledge about what women of the time were doing and what they might have contributed to the field's development, one can tell the story of public administration and tell it persuasively. But without considering women's activities, it is difficult to imagine an alternative other than, as Waldo wryly noted, the ancien regime. My project is aimed at calling into question this taken-for-granted quality, which permeates the field and keeps it from seeing what might be.)

mardi, mars 14, 2006

When Taiwan becomes Narnia...

Trop de bruits et j'espere d'etant tranquille....

The answer is really clear. That means that you committed the horrible crinime, no doubt. Why you daren't confess? Or why your appologise is always so weak and full of denial. We see slaughters everywhere every day, between the survial and the extinguishment. Too many to be anaesthetized. So what is the critical point, it's the intention. For meats or for blood? If, for the endless unsatisfaction of desire to control, that will frozen most people. Dis desole, celui pourrait devenir la motive de marcher.

Everyone sees that you put it on the advertisement. If it's right, just do it. Besides, doing right things never appeals to attack while personal problems would always be the core calling for criticize. I admit that ambiguity would always brings the beauty at some degree. However, who likes it so much? Can you accept that your relationship always stands still? Even though years go by, you still stand at the same point...not jumping into the grave of marriage neither turning separation. Is it love? Or it's the excuse of a coward who is lack of courage and daren't pay any responsibity.

Allo!! Bienvenue a Narnia en Asie. Maintenant il neige plus que pluie. Toutes les choses sont genees. On vit sous l'atmosphere frappee. Personne ne s'exprime donc la verite est cachee. Mesonges seraient les plus jolis peintures. On les voie et reste muet. Tout le monde est d'habitude du degre bas quand meme. Aussi ils sont controle par quelques gens vieux et laides. C'est plus mauvais que Narnia car laquelle est la terre de la sorciere blanche. Au moins, elle est belle. C'est quoi on devrait faire? Attends ou echape? J'espere d'arrivee d'Aslan. On a besion de personne qui peut apporter la justice et le courage pour saufer tout ce qui est en train de souffrir. Je crois qu'il y a une personne qui peut resoudre toutes les questions laissees et re-launcer toutes les actions qu'il faut faire. Mais je doute: c'est un beau reve?

Naria avec Aslan rentre l'origine finalement. C'est l'histoire vrai dans le monde d'histoire. Mais ou est notre Aslan? Nous attendons...

mercredi, mars 08, 2006

Comment tu penses de cela? Posted by Picasa

mardi, mars 07, 2006








lundi, janvier 23, 2006

make-up party!

Yes!! I missed agian--an opportunity for crazily messing up and then suddenly disappearing.

There always exists un evil intention deep in my heart, but it is passing like a ray, too fast to chase; like a flash, too short to be true. Although I want, it's impossible to come true cause I hardly to see its real appearance. The only thing that I'm quite sure and am proud of is being a person without solid essence. Vividly like a mirror, I project everyone's lute, desire and dream. The perfect transparence, like a shining star in a blurred dark sky, stares at your terrors and horrors. Then appears as a brutal monster, hungry for a long while, hunting down the moon. Its favorite sacrifice is lonliness and silence. As a resident in the endless nightmare, it hopes for transfer. Yes. That's the way I catch your eyes and your attention, through the emerging curiosity, sorry but you're already a victime.

Imagine as angel not totally pure, he can travel from the paradise and the dust. He gets invisible wings--actually I'm not sure whether the wings are invisible or nothing at all. Mixed angel has foot and human like body. Mostly he walks instead of flying, but he tells himself always: it's mind that divides a saint or a devil. Devil gets wings as well but they are black. It should be standing at the extreme point--absolute purity or chao--that could become a complete angel or devil. His choice is always ambigous, and that's the reason why he's a mixed. He tastes everyone's mood but never involved by himself. There's only dust on foot and the mind is still empty--a shinning mirror reflects everything projected to it. It recieves but never accepts.

Carring with modernity and post-modernity, walking through a long passage of time, a vagrant passed up and down each changing space. No destination, he doesn't know his home and of course, there's nowhere for him to belong.

Yes thought I am eager to parcitipate in, I still missed this opportunity. Though I am always here, never disappear...sigh...always lack of motivation and a little bit action...courage and impluse....sigh....I am still who I am even though I am not sure whether I am wearing a mask--just like everyone does. Tout le monde est en train de participer au fete!!

Cites of several paragraphs!

(A) Cruelty and compassion come with the chromosomes;
All men are merciful and all are murderers.
Doting on dogs, they build their Dachaus;
Fire whole cities and fondle the orphans;
Are loud against lynching, but all for Oakridge;
Full of future philanthropy, but today are NKVD.
Whom shall we persecute, for whom feel pity?
It is all a matter of the moment's mores,
Of words on wood pulp, of radios roaring,
Of communist kindergartens and first communions.
Only in the knowledge of his own Essence
Has any man ceased to be many monkeys.

(Huxley, 1984, p. 75)

(B) Science Explores, Techonology Executes, Mankind Conforms
--motto of the 1933 World's Fair

(C) Administrative evil is not easily identified as such because its appearance is masked; moreover, in our ordinary roles with our taken for granted assumptions about the modern world, we wear the mask.

(Adams, G. B. & Balfour, D. L., 1998 xxiii)

(D) "Relations between the sexes are a primary aspect of social organization"; that individuals' sense of themselves as men or women are "in large part culturally determined" rather than biological or an outgrowth of individual personality; and that differences between the sexes display and reinforce a hierarchical organization that privileges masculinity.

(Joan Wallach Scott, P.8 BM/SW)

(E) "Emergent rulers have legitimized domination, strength, central authority, and ruling power as masculine (enemies, outsiders, subversives, weakness as feminine) and made that code literal in laws (forbidding women's political participation, outlawing abortion, prohibiting wage-earning by mothers, imposing female dress codes) that put women in their place. " Gender shapes the dynamics of public life just as it does in private.

(P.8 BM/SW)