lundi, janvier 23, 2006

Cites of several paragraphs!

(A) Cruelty and compassion come with the chromosomes;
All men are merciful and all are murderers.
Doting on dogs, they build their Dachaus;
Fire whole cities and fondle the orphans;
Are loud against lynching, but all for Oakridge;
Full of future philanthropy, but today are NKVD.
Whom shall we persecute, for whom feel pity?
It is all a matter of the moment's mores,
Of words on wood pulp, of radios roaring,
Of communist kindergartens and first communions.
Only in the knowledge of his own Essence
Has any man ceased to be many monkeys.

(Huxley, 1984, p. 75)

(B) Science Explores, Techonology Executes, Mankind Conforms
--motto of the 1933 World's Fair

(C) Administrative evil is not easily identified as such because its appearance is masked; moreover, in our ordinary roles with our taken for granted assumptions about the modern world, we wear the mask.

(Adams, G. B. & Balfour, D. L., 1998 xxiii)

(D) "Relations between the sexes are a primary aspect of social organization"; that individuals' sense of themselves as men or women are "in large part culturally determined" rather than biological or an outgrowth of individual personality; and that differences between the sexes display and reinforce a hierarchical organization that privileges masculinity.

(Joan Wallach Scott, P.8 BM/SW)

(E) "Emergent rulers have legitimized domination, strength, central authority, and ruling power as masculine (enemies, outsiders, subversives, weakness as feminine) and made that code literal in laws (forbidding women's political participation, outlawing abortion, prohibiting wage-earning by mothers, imposing female dress codes) that put women in their place. " Gender shapes the dynamics of public life just as it does in private.

(P.8 BM/SW)

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