lundi, mars 20, 2006

Bureau Men /Settlement Women--Preface


Waldo的The Administrative State,"公共行政不只是一組極大化政府效能的工具,而是一整套關於政府的規範性理論”(Public administration...was not simply a set of techinical maxims for governmental efficiency but a full-blown normative theory of government)。Waldo視公共行政為政治哲學(think of public administration as a political philosophy),也從歷史的角度來思考(and to think of it historically),從此給了Cammilla不同的思考方向。


Waldo看到了位於公共行政的核心掙扎:行政效率及民主,仍持續成為行政學界討論的重點。Camilla基於Waldo的觀點--科學與商業仍視公共行政領域有所產出的重要力量(Sience and business as crucial forces shaping the emergence of the field),加入了"性別"的角度。




如同Waldo所說,在一個缺乏女性作為及其對於這個領域貢獻的任何紀錄之下,任何說法都能成立,且具有說服力。然而,不去考慮女性的活動,很難想像出另一種迥異的模式(如Waldo所說的"古老政體"),故本書的目的,就是質疑這種"視為當然"的氛圍,這種氛圍充斥整個公共行政領域,並阻擋其預見了不同之可能。(As Waldo showed, in the absence of any knowledge about what women of the time were doing and what they might have contributed to the field's development, one can tell the story of public administration and tell it persuasively. But without considering women's activities, it is difficult to imagine an alternative other than, as Waldo wryly noted, the ancien regime. My project is aimed at calling into question this taken-for-granted quality, which permeates the field and keeps it from seeing what might be.)

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