dimanche, juin 26, 2005

ciao ciao!! Mr. President of NTU!! When I finished my "main mission" in Chile, I became one member of reception team to recieve the President of my university. He came here for APEC meeting as well. He left today!! Before his leaving, we went to Mt. Andes with other alumni of NTU in Chile. It's really fantastic to have a "close interaction" with my own President. And now he retired this position this month, I'd like to wish his new life without the title of NTU president will still be really good!! Posted by Hello

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

je te souhaite un tres joyeux anniversaire Wallis!!!! :-)
Que la vie te donnes plein de choses joyeuses et magiques et que la lumiere guide toujours tes pas.
Que le bonheur marche toujours a tes cotés!!!