vendredi, juin 10, 2005

From a black cat to a green cat!

Wednesday, I went back to school for an adress from Prof. Hu, who is told to be a very famous scholar for economics in China. The speech focus from the historical context and "Grand strategy" on the appearing of China as a super power. This topic interests more people to attend than my original imagination. During the beginning of 21th century, everyone expects a new power emerging and perhaps to stand equally with the Super Power, USA. After the integration of Europe Union, Asia Pacific gets his chance to perform the essential role in the stage of international relations. China becomes more and more important after the collapse of Soviet Union in 1991. Now it is a "big nation" with 13 billion people and it exists as the "last grand communist power" over world.
The main idea that Prof. Hu would like to emphsize is the alert of spending environmental cost for development of economics, except for the overwheling trend of the growing influence of China. Prof. Hu made a metaphor, which transplanted from the famous words of previous Chinese leader Teng. He said," No matter black cats or white cats, a cat that can capture the mice is a good cat." While China use the natural environment as the expenditure of developing their economics, as Prof. Hu mentioned, it's already become a black cat. The object of China now is "transferring to a green cat".
For most Taiwanese, that's really amusing and ironic. Here, green represents as the color of Independence, who is never the beloved partner for China government. But from a Chinese, we heard that China wants to be green... Second,I found that the strategies that China wanted to "adjust" to be a super power in the world, those are so familiar. I'm not sure whether it is a universal mode for East Asia nations to develop their economics. Hearing the honored "Taiwan experiences" from a Chinese, that really please me very much! Thirdly, as a Taiwanese, the information data presented by Prof. Hu seemed to be doubted. Or, more accurate, the intention of showing these kinds of datas was worth digging......A report with many statistics is abundant, but not yet complete. Number will tell the truth but people usually use for making a lie. I don't know so clear if the Chinese government will consult for their scholars or in contrast, scholars are the instruments for the governments. I don't know the answer, but most importantly, for me ,attending an academic conference must help me think over through specific topics. If it did help me with that process, no matter what the speaker talks are great or not, aliable or not, perfect or not, distinguished or not. It deserved!!

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