samedi, janvier 20, 2007


This monring when I woke up, I turned on TV and heard an interesting song of Stanley Huang, which is named "scoring" (打分數 in Chinese).

The lyric makes me laugh a lot! It shows two styles woman that all men dream for. Of course these two types represent two extremely different "sexy" for men as well. They are party girls & well-mannered girls.

Party girls with spciy wearing, moving wildly and hot alone. Her body, her lips, and her dance are all so sexy to stick your eyes. How to score her? 7 or 8? When you try to approach her, she would proudly tell you who you think your are. You're just one of the crowds of men who have ever shown interests. Of course you feel terrible. "Shut up your mouth" and you began to decrease the score. Besides, you shit in your mind also to her: if you want to get more points, you had better shake your body more sexily!

In contrast, well-mannered girls are polite. They know all know-hows to handle a family. With their uniforms, you think that their innocent is sexy as well. How to score her? Perhaps 8 or 9. When you try to approach her, she would tell you that my dad says, "no touch, no kiss, and no hugs". No this, no that, of course no everything. Of course you feel "MY GOD" again. "Shut up your mouth" and apparently you decrease the score from 9 to 0. As result, you decide to give up.

Although "high heels is so sexy, lace is so sexy", you start to sigh....There's no perfect woman but all full of the 0-point women in your world. How to score?

To the dearest counter-part of the world, please score yourself before scoring others. You always dream for the both. And most women truly have the both but they change always. People say that "the women" is like "the cats". Women are always sexy, no matter within or without clothes. They are born artice. Don't use your stupid eye on their deep actions. Or you could score 0 to all women in the world and you successfully get nothing.

歌名︰打分數作詞:崔惟楷/黃立行 作曲:Jao Chong/黃立行

Party girls故意穿得辣 就是怕我不盯住她
一個人跳 態度殺 幫她打個分數 應該7或8
sexy她的嘴唇翹的 so sexy 她的水蛇腰is so sexy
party girls好騷 每個有一套 搖出18招

天啊扣分 給我shut your mouth
要從4變8 你最好用力搖

High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
滿分的女人我找不到 0分的女人都到處跑
High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
到底打幾分 滿分不是你 到底打幾分 34567
High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
滿分的女人我找不到 0分的女人都到處跑
High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
到底打幾分 滿分不是你 到底打幾分 34567

乖乖牌長得超可愛 有禮貌一點都不跩
愛做家事 愛煮菜 幫她打個分數給她8 or 9
sexy穿著學生服is so sexy 她的表情無辜so sexy
一副在等待 我這個黑馬王子 把她救出來

這個不行 那個不行 什麼都不行
天啊扣分 給我shut your mouth
你這個9變4 我放牛吃草

High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
滿分的女人我找不到 0分的女人都到處跑
High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
到底打幾分 滿分不是你 到底打幾分 54321
High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
滿分的女人我找不到 0分的女人都到處跑
High heels so sexy Lace is so sexy
到底打幾分 滿分不是你 到底打幾分 34567

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

je vais essayer de trouver cette chanson! ça ressemble beaucoup a la vérité!
mais ma preference va aux " well-mannered girls" they can be hot also! ;-) but they always polite as possible :-)
and i don't want score others also, to not have to score myself! just accept everybody like they are, and find good mix!
a bientot Wallis!