samedi, janvier 13, 2007

Tiger Huang--the voice memorable

I have no special feeling when I was informed that our year-end party would be held in Jong-Shan Building, which was the location of national parliament before. With worry, I borrowed a traditional Chinese suite from my mom in order to follow the directions of invitators. And for the prizes, I always know that they won't be prepared for me. But Tiger Huang, a famous singer here, was invited to have the show in our party. That's what I expect!

She's not the most beloved singer for me. However, her voice and some of her songs are definitely affective and attractive. She sang some old and classic songs here, whicn really brought me to the memorable old time through her strong voice. She didn't bring fashion show-clothes and fantastic band but with her and the spot light of her, we all experienced the charm and the power of "live show". Although it's not really correspondent to the style of Jong-Shan building, her voice really catch all eyes of the party. Compared to her show, the feast and the prize are not expective to me anymore.

Tiger Huang, you are deserved to be called as "pub queen"!! I'd like to experience once more your live show again! Encore et Bravo!

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