vendredi, janvier 12, 2007

It's all coming back to me now!!

I admit that I'm too naive.

When I saw the prediction of Zodiac for Cancer 2007, which said that 2007 would be a busy year for Cancer, I put it aside and thought, "That's really ridiculous!" But now, I know that I'm wrong.

After my working life since April 2006, the Friday of 31 December, which is the first day that I stayed in the office even though the air conditioner had already been turned off. And unbelievable, I experienced the same after one week. I think that I need to shout out cause I have too many stuffs since I was back to office.

The August for me is really stressful. But I think that it's worth cause my tough effort got rewards as the best contribution on Q4 last year. I thought that I got rid of those mountain-high quotations since I all handed out. But now, they all became the contracts and came back to me now....

I didn't dare to caculate how many contracts that I prepared. Besides, I run more amortization tables which should be the total amounts of two months. My working life is terribly busy. Thursday afternoon, I got two hours free since a busy working morning. I'm starting to think that the hell is passed and the heaven is coming. Now I should worry how to dress up for the HP year end party on Friday night, which requires us to be show off with Chinese style. But I was happy too early. I forgot that I had a meeting before the party. And I underestimated it. Although I knew that I should prepare to share my function, I didn't think that I should prepare with slides.

At 17h30, my collogue told me that one new member prepared the slide for presentation. I still had the thought that....I needn't...Hey, just 15 minutes, why work so hard? And it's Friday, come on let's have fun than serious presentation. 18h47, the moment when I still helped one collegue to progress a report, I recieved a mail from a senior collegue. And she came to my seat to ask me if I recieved the template of slide. OH MY GOD. Actually, I wanted to leave the office as soon as possible after busy working, which means that I didn't have enough time to drink even a cup of water or go to toilet. It's near 19h00 and I need to think of my dress tomorrow. Of course, I don't like to do it. But it seems that I can't skip....

So I decided to leave the office immediately in case any urgence occurs. Then it's the first time that I brought my work home. And that's because I wrote this on my blog. Now it's 2h00. After 11 hours, I should enter the meeting room to present my slides. I hope that my new year 2007, it should be more easier to pass.

After all, I still love you, HP!