mercredi, août 06, 2008

Dear QD, let's fight CHD together

QD is just 4 months old. As a Bernes Mountain dog, it seems that he can't escape the fate twisting with CHD. At the early July, we found that he could'nt walk well. So after a while of research, I decided to take him to the elwood animal hospital, which is famous in CHD and joint.

Of course, they are really professional. They took a video shot for the walking situation of QD and after came the X-ray, for observing cleary how its joints work in a totally relaxed situation. The doctor showed us what CHD looks like through comparing several X-ray photographs of dogs. For QD, the degree is very mild. And we can't sure right now cause it's really young. But the doctor recommended that we should start conservative management no matter QD has CHD or not. Having a strong muscle is always good for dog.

One month later, I got the full report in details. The doctor said that QD is a mild CHD patient, which worries me a lot! I hope that QD could grow up smoothly, without any pain and unhappiness. But now, with CHD, we need to pay more attention to it. CHD could destroy the normal quality of life for both dog and its family. We would take more efforts in training QD's muscle by sleash walk and swimming. I really wish that God should bless us and QD for combating CHD in the future coming days.

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