jeudi, octobre 04, 2007

Do you marry to your work?

It's a long time that I didn't update my blog. For the past half a year, I work so hard and feel exhausted after the job. I enjoy the relieness that my colleuge gave me and the self-fulfillement that my job honored me. Of course, I paid a lot, the heaviest cost, it's my health. I feel uncomfortable since the Chinese New Year.

My solution for this problem is simple. If I feel uncomfortable, I go to sleep. If I could take rest well, I would be fine the other day. But this cycle repeats and repeats. Now, it's more and more serious. I work too late since July and became worse since August. I would be in flu if I work "too hard" and I need to take a leave the next day. So when I return to office, my job became a mountain. I stucked in a vicious cycle. But everyone knows that my personality is really tough sincne I don't look like that kind of person in my appearance. I began to regard myself as an enemy. And I think that my body regard myself like that as well. Because all the syndrome that I have, it's always immune system related. That's fine! Let's fight! I wonder who would win and who would be defeated. That sounds crazy. But YES!!!! That's what I've been thinking about till now. This is the most interesting game that I've ever participated in. It's a chess between myself and still myself--the health and the esteem.

Now I still have no time for visiting a doctor. But thank for my company, I know that I have several problems cause I had a health check in the August. If I can't complete my job, the pressure would be overwhelmed. So the strategy that I take recently, that is I take leave when I feel terrible. If I go to work, I work as much as I can. And thank for starbucks, you're really a good friend during this period. The coffee helps me concentrate whole myself on work and forget the illness temporarily. The battle begins and I don't know when it would end, perhaps the result releases on the day that I die, I don't know, sooner or later, I would encounter.

My friend mentioned me, do you marry to your work? Perhaps yes. Since I have no any bf or epouse, why not. At least, I experience my breath and my power, and the existence from it.

And you? Do you marry to your work? Does anyone have the same battle as me?