mercredi, novembre 15, 2006

Outstanding Contributer (2)

The 24 May, we moved to 12F as our new office. (I still love the atmosphere of 10F, with more space more silence, and more fresh air while less personal crush and noise...) The 1 June, I changed to Contract Operation as my new home here.

The formal onboard date for me is 3 July. Before, I use different NT domain to login the computer here and once get an alert due to "too many logon records" :p. After one week, I get my own number to access system...SAP O&C. However I prefer the compass, it's more beautiful :p And I get another to run a series system which have deep connection with SAP. They are complicated and old sometimes I met system problems. What I do has an official name, that's internal facing. I support other teammates. I did hundreds of quotation draft as a backup for easing the stress of peak season. And that's why I got this award. Life here is busy and stable. It's too fantastic for me to think of the past life before April. The hell seems far a way. And perhaps that's why I lose motive to update my blog...:p

I recontact AIESECers here. This office has two great company and old friends gather. Betty, my direct boss in AIESEC when I was a VP in NTULC. Tanya ,who I knew for participating in AP conference in Ausie in 2001. Sandy, who is 2 years elder than me works in P&G for support SKII stuff. This is important for me cause most of my AIESEC best friends are rare in Taiwan now. Of course I would ask myself often: why I am still here?

HP and AIESEC there are several points in common. They are international and they both have many special usages just for the ppl belonged there. The atmosphere is creative and open. Here I reget my feeling in working in AIESEC for my university life. Here it seems that I meet the same open-minded persons and collogues that I once co-worked in AIESEC as well. The only different is, in HP, system and regulation are solid, we need approval for more progressing, while in AIESEC, we use friendship to conquer each difficuly.

I think I should pause here. There's one sales who speak "too loud" in the office....