dimanche, octobre 22, 2006

Outstanding Contributer (1)

"This is to appreciate your great contribution to our organization.
We hope you enjoy this award with your family members

Name Wallis Liu
Outstanding contribution:

Wallis supported customter facing admin: Rita, Lydia, Polly, and Yvonne to finish draft quotations, around 229 documents, during the peak season. Would like to use this award to thank her contribution."

The 4th Apil, 2006, the day when I entered the Hsin Yi Office of HP Taiwan, with delight and a little bit worry, I begin my career as a formal employee. Most familiar friends knew that my last working experiences gave me considerable negative impression. And that also resulted my distrust and disappointment toward getting along with people. And of course, this is the first time that I touched a real business, which means that isn't public sector, neither NPO or NGO. My first image for this business center is that I use excel frequently. The degree is too high for me to start thinking: Is word in my computer just for decoration? And comes after is the working stress. Of course people in HP never abuste me, instead, they really respect and take care of me. Everyone is so nice and ready to give you help if you needed no matter how heavy their workload is and how busy they are.

I work for system tranfsering for two months within an amazing team with great people. Why this team is amazing? Of course everyone is excellent in their duty. But what impresses me a lot is that everyone support different function. That means not so close interaction with each one for their work. We handle things independently and follow the related policy which may not be same in general. I spend 2.5 hours to learn two different systems, the newest and the oldest. And following one week, I leared how to support individually, yes "individually". I separate myself to adapt to everyone's expectation and make sure that I won't get confused. This is an interesting experience for me though I didn't do things too special. At least, I found myself capable for complicated system handling and strict quality of process. I am busy but I am happy. I work with press and I work with challenge.

After complete PBO, Compass, and Fusion, I got another chance to take full responsiblity in another team. I get my first chance for job rotation after two month. I think this kind of experience is unusual for other HP employees cause others get job rotation at leat with the experience of one and half a year. Different team, different culture, the what does not change is the business culture and the attitude toward new onboard member. People here are also kind....

to be continued