mercredi, mai 17, 2006

I believe that I want to cry

I'm passing an awful day. I just finished a terrible interaction with my superieur. I can't believe why people could chage face immediately. I just want to do myself and that's all. But am I wrong? Why those kind of boring and sucking stuffs always come bump into me? I start to doubt myself. Do I committe any error that I don't know?

I remembered that I applied one job that isn't called mermaid. But why I do more and more like a mermaid? Why she treats me more and more unpolitely? Is Power that makes people forget the right or the wrong? Is heirarchy that misleads people to have a preventive status? Is the small office that makes the mind narrower and narrower? And even is the low ceiling hiding the sky and that gives people a fatancy--I am the king of the world. I see the prejudice of Power and then I pain.

Human beings are intertwined with network, not status. Human beings are interdependent, not rely on obedience and discipline. I see so many ugly thins here and that makes me lose any confidence on sincerety. I find myself lost. I don't know how to interact. I question each action that people give me and try to analyse if they are rival. I feel sorry for myself because I distrust everyone more and more.

Equality is important. I passed nearly one year without euqlity. My health suffers and my mind does as well. A medium room with about 40 people, is it too complicated?

I believe that I want to cry. And if each tear could drop into word, I have believed that they can write a very painful story of mine. I pained long, and I find that my limit arrives just now. I can't afford any more and of course, can't suffer more. No more, please. If you're still human, no more. And Wallis, good day, good night, good luck.